Acupuncture and Oriental medicine is a form of Complimentary and Alternative medicine. Acupuncture is a technique in which a practitioner will place thin needles through the skin in specific ways to stimulate a series of points to treat your medical condition.
Many people have heard of acupuncture but are unclear of how it works. On the body there are several "zones", also called "meridians" or "junctions" that serve as pathways for "Qi", pronounced (Ch'i, see character below) which translates in many texts as a breath of air, life force and source of energy and nourishment in the body. When there is a disruption in the smooth flow of "Qi" there manifests disease and pain. "Qi" flows through the meridians, and ones good health depends on a balanced distribution of "Qi" that influences the organs as well as the body systems: skeletal, muscular, endocrine (glands), circulatory, digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive, and nervous system.
During your appointment Tiffany, L.Ac will do an extensive assessment to diagnose and treat the specific patterns of disharmony of your condition. A selection of acupuncture points and other modalities will be used to treat your individual condition. These are just a few of the techniques she will use to establish your medical treatment plan and schedule to get you feeling better, pain free and on your way to a happier healthier you.